Winamac Community High School 35th Annual Alumni Banquet
June 14th, 2014 4:30pm - 9:30pm
Church of the Heartland
890 E St. Rd 14
, Winamac
, Indiana
, 46996
ticket prices
Single tickets ahead of time - $20.00
Single tickets at the door - $22.00
Invited Classes
All Classes
About Event
Go to www.winamacalumni.com for more information about the invitation, the evening of events, and more about what the WHS/WCHS alumni committee who plans this annual event. It is a great evening of fun and food for all Winamac graduates. Aaron Paulsen will be performing music for the ages.
Romaine Romaine Knarr Dowty '57 said:
Class of 1957 hope to see you there. Romaine Knarr Dowty
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