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West Valley High School 1977 - 40th Reunion


July 28th, 2017
(ending July 30th, 2017)


Apple Tree Golf Club
8804 Occidental Rd , Yakima , Washington , 98903

ticket prices

Weekend's Registration (if +guest add $20.00) - $35.00

Invited Classes


About Event

Official - July 28 and 29, 2017 - 40th year reunion. PLEASE READ: Cost to classmates: $35.00. Each additional guest is $20.00. (optional items on next mailer). Friday 7/28, not an official event - The Pub at 5110 Tieton Dr - time is "after work", Spot reserved for WVHS class of 77.- REGISTRATION MAILER HAVE GONE OUT L 7. PLEASE WATCH FOR IT as there more information on the mailer than can be listed here - ie: Golf; T-shirts (if you didn't receive mailer please contact

Recommended Hotels

Pending confirmation from classmate in charge of hotels - will post as soon as available.

1977 - 40th reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel