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West Springfield High School Class Of 1962 - 60th Reunion


June 2nd, 2022 10:00am
(ending June 3rd, 2022)


Polish American Club
139 Southwick Street , Feeding Hills , Massachusetts

ticket prices

Venue, Buffet and Entertainment - $38.00

Invited Classes

All Classes

Class of 1962 - 60th Reunion
Reunion Committee

Recent Comments

Corinne Driscoll '62 said:

Please note - our reunion will be held on a THURSDAY, June 2nd. Questions - call Corinne at 413-733-9558.

Corinne Driscoll '62 said:

Please send your check to Barbara - see information on flyer - by the end of April. Great food, a lot of games and special entertainment.

Corinne Driscoll '62 said:

If you are planning on attending our Class of 1962 reunion on June 2nd, and looking to book a room, we have a reduced group rate for the nights of June 1st and 2nd at the Hampton Inn, 1011 Riverdale St, West Springfield, MA, 01089. Just call the reservation phone number, 413-732-1300, and state you are attending the WSHS Class of 1962 Reunion. This offer is good through May 2, 2022, or as long as rooms (both two queens or one king) are available at the hotel. The hotel will also be hosting a reception on Wednesday evening for the classmates who are staying at the hotel.

Corinne Driscoll '62 said:

Also looking for these missing classmates to invite to our 60th class reunion: Richard Anderson, Mike Church, Gail Cutting, Bev Daly, Maria DeVanna, Brenda Dukette, George Earney, David Erlanson, Ed Fitzgerald, John Hartnett, Celestine Johnson, Dianne Kolodziej, Elaine Lemke, Guy Lessard, Sharon Line, Kathryn Neer, Sam Nompleggi, Robert Schneider, Jacqueline Smith, Kathleen Smith, Richard Tassinari, Barbara Wright.

Reunion Apparel