AlumniClass Home  >  North Carolina  >  West Forsyth High School  >  Reunions  >  Class of 2000 - 10 Year Reunion

West Forsyth High School Class Of 2000 - 10 Year Reunion


October 8th, 2010



Invited Classes


About Event

There will be several different events taking place throughout the October 8-10th weekend. More details to follow. If you have a Facebook Page, there is a reunion event page for everyone to join: West Forsyth Class of 2000 - 10 Year Reunion is the event name!!! Thanks!

Class of 2000 - 10 Year Reunion
Reunion Committee

Casey Siega-riz '00

Casey Siega-riz '00

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel