Watkins Memorial High School Class Of 1979 35th Reunion
September 13th, 2014 5:00pm - 11:00pm
Claylick Bowhunters Club
12680 Lesley Rd
, Heath
, Ohio
, 43056
ticket prices
Price per person attending - $10.00
Invited Classes
About Event
$10 a person. RSVP by 8/15. Make checks payable to Terry (Lawhorn) Hobbs. Please PM us on Facebook for mailing address.
We will provide burgers and dogs, buns, ice and water. You provide a covered dish, chips, pop, desert, what ever you would like to contribute. Bring lawn chairs, folding chairs if you have them. Venue has firepit and both inside and outside accomodations.
Tell all your 1979 friends. Other classes welcome to join us though we will only be contacting WMHS 1979 graduates.
If you have any questions or updated contact information for the class of 79, please contact MikeSellers, Rhonda (Goldsberry) Baughman, Terry (Lawhorn) Hobbs or Liz (Bailey) Nye or go to our FB site. https://www.facebook.com/WMHS1979