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Warren G. Harding High School Class Of '76 35-year Reunion


July 23rd, 2011


Comfort Inn, Courthouse Square, Warren, OH

Invited Classes


About Event

Biff Brown and Tom Weatherby are making the arrangements. There is no charge for this informal event. If you're home early enough, we'll also get together Friday night at GreekFest, at the beer tent where John Paidas and Peggy Brown Paidas will be working. Tom is trying to arrange a family picnic/swimming event at Willow Lake for the following day. We have a group page for this event on F acebook. Please join us ! We have about 70 classmates there.

Class of '76 35-year Reunion
Reunion Committee

Chris Mines '76

Chris Mines '76

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

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