Warren East High School Class Of 1978 (40th Year Reunion)
June 30th, 2018
Undetermined - Please send suggestions.
Invited Classes
About Event
Several of us were talking and thought it would be fun to have a reunion this year since we haven't had one in so long. No plans will be officially made unless and until we hear back from people wanting to make this happen. So if you would like to have a class reunion, please reply to this message and go on my Facebook page (Susan Floyd Dunlap) and leave me a message and I will add you to the event I created on FB. Once we know how many are interested, we can plan a venue, etc. Anyone wishing to help with this event, please let me know. Since I live out of town, I will need some local people to handle venue, food, etc. Thanks!
Deborah Penrod '78 said:
I would love to come since ive mussed most of the,other reunions. We have a benefit car show plsnned since last year,for the same date. Is there any way of changing the date please? Denbie Penrod Creay. purplekingcab@yahoo.com
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