Walton High School Class Of 1989 25th Reunion
October 18th, 2014 8:00pm
(ending October 19th, 2014 3:00am)
Fado Irish Pub
273 Buckhead Avenue
, Atlanta
, Georgia
, 30305
ticket prices
Single Ticket - $45.00
About Event
Yup, it's been 25 years, folks. Time flies, huh? Not to let this momentous anniversary pass us by, we're planning a reunion!
Update!!! Update!!!! Update!!!
We have a venue booked!! Fado Irish Pub in Buckhead is the place, light appetizers will be served throughout the evening with a cash bar- tickets will need to be purchased in advance, and they are $45/ each. Our event will likely run 7pm - 11pm, but we have the run of the place after that- There will be a website for the reunion ( setup by Cathi Davis- thanks, Cathi!) with directions to purchase tickets ( and local hotels with negotiated rates as well) soon- stay tuned for that.
And please, continue to spread the word, to FBers and non-FBers alike! We've had a great response thus far, but would love to make this the best attended reunion yet! Look forward to seeing you all on October 18th!