Walt Whitman High School Class Of '68 " When I'm 64"
June 7th, 2014 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Golden Bull
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This is the date. We will have our own private room and the band will be the one that played at our 60th, Bruce Moyer and 40 Dollar Fine. Music will be of our era and lots of dancing. Sherry Ash Walter s receiving advanced checks/reservations. Contact me for the details.c. Not a reunion, but more of a celebration of the most unique class of the 60's.
Alan Schwartz '71 said:
Would you be able to help me get the word out to the WWHS Classes of 1971-1974 regarding the following [or provide me with an email list & I will be happy to do it myself]?:
Dear ARS Friends and Bob Milloy Fans: It has been an honor to be asked to serve on the committee to honor my old football coach, Bob Milloy.
I have attached a flyer that provides the details; but here is a summary:
• Bob Milloy Retired After 45 Years in Coaching in Feb 2017
• This is a Roast and Toast in his honor
• At Good Council High School
• Feb 10 2018 from 5pm to 8pm
Why have I been included you ask?
• The committee’s goal, as I see it, is to get as many players, students, friends and associates of Bob’s from all the places he coached in 45 years.
• This includes Little Flower, St Johns; DeMatha; Walt Whitman; Springbrook; Sherwood and Good Council.
• Whitman was Bob’s first Varsity coaching position and I truly believe Whitman should be well represented at this event.
I know schedules are busy and many of you do not even live in town anymore; but you do have other options if you absolutely cannot make this tribute as follows:
• You can submit a 2 minute video to be played on stage between speakers [use your cell phone or Good Council has an entire Video Department that can help you]
• You can write a short note that can be read on stage between speakers [see an example of mine attached here]
You know I never get involved with anything unless I truly believe in it—and this is just such an event. Sign up as soon as you can @ www.olgchs.org/bobmilloy; or get that video done. Thanks in advance for your efforts on Bob Milloy’s behalf!
All the best,
Alan Robert Schwartz [Tracy Bloom's Husband]
8804 Harness Trail
Potomac, MD 20854
301-343-9356 [cell]
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