Wallkill High School Class Of 1965 Reunion
July 31st, 2015 6:00pm
(ending August 1st, 2015)
Plains Road
, Wallkill
, New York
, 12589
ticket prices
Per person - $100.00
Invited Classes
About Event
July 31 & August 1, 2015
We are very excited to share the details for our class 50th reunion.
Friday evening - We will have a meet and greet horderves 6-8 pm and live music at the Nu-Cavu.
Saturday morning - We gather 9 am – noon at the POPP Memorial Park (Pavilion) along Route 208, Wallkill at 10 am we have a tour scheduled at our old High School.
Saturday evening - We will gather at 6 pm at Nu-Cavu and have a buffet dinner at 7 pm. We a DJ will play music from our high school years!!
Nu-Cavu is located at 857 Plains Road, Wallkill (right next to Kobelt Airfield)
Cost will be $100.00 per person for the entire event. If you are attending just Friday evening $35.00 p/p or just Saturday $65.00 p/p.
(A starter list of local hotels: Courtyard Marriott, Comfort Inn, Garden Hilton Hotel)
Looking forward to seeing you all on July 31st. RSVP by 3/15, total payment by 6/1
Your reunion planning team,
Eileen Van Houten Daunt (eileendaunt@aol.com ) Herb Lorenz (hlorenz@hvc.rr.com), Richard Freer (rfreer929@yahoo.com ), Jennie Guardarramas Villareal (guardarramas@hotmail.com )
Yes, I am coming! Name _____________________________ Guest ______________________________
Friday evening ______ Saturday morning tour ______ Saturday evening ______
Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ______made out to Eileen Daunt. (If you sent seed monies please deduct that amount from your payment.) Please used enclosed envelope. Thanks
Please share with your classmates what has happened with you over the last 50 years, please email or mail us your 1 page summary. One of our fellow students may contact you hoping you will participate. Please update us with your Current Contact information including Name, Address, Email, Phone home/cell.
Class Memories Book: Permission to share your contact information Yes __ No__
Eileen Van Houten Daunt, 1747 Route 44 55, Modena, NY 12548