Melissa Daniel '71
Reunion Coordinator
Alan Verchick '71
Audrienne (dean) Baer '71
Bernardo Figueredo '71
Charles Ault '71
Claudia Barnes '71
D Michelle Foresman '71
Dan Berdine '71
Dana Berdine '71
Darrell Mazzanti '71
Darrow Nutt '71
Diane Douglas '71
Dianna Darrah '71
Donald Beury '71
Donald Bradley '71
Don Bradley '71
Dottie Flanagan '71
Francene Cornsweet '71
James Barker '71
Jenny Madama '71
Jerry Chernik '71
Jim (jc) Coker '71
John Adams '71
John Krause '71
John Olive '71
Jolie Schnekser '71
Keoni. (jon) Soper '71
Kim Okelberry '71
Laura Laura B Coleman '71
Linda Castle '71
Lou Lalli '71
Marilyn Eisinger '71
Melissa Sherman '71
Melodee Shelley '71
Michele Dupuis '71
Pamela Hanson '71
Paul Ostrenger '71
Robert Cruze '71
Roger Sedway '71
Rosalynn Waldron '71
Sarah Higgins '71
Sheila Stubblefield/tuttle '71
Sheila Stubblefield '71
Stevie Key '71
Susan Signor '71
Teri Miyamoto '71
Terrie Ostensen '71
Terry Eckhart '71
Valerie Monroe '71
Sheila Stubblefield/tuttle '71 said:
There’s a shot of me and my father I don’t know how to crop it out but that’s the most recent picture
My email address has changed stubysg@gmail.com
Sheila Stubblefield '71 said:
Sheila Stubblefield Tuttle After retired from the Navy in 1997 taught Navy JROTC at Chaparral High School until 2011 here is my E-mail sheilatuttle2@cox.net I am now retired ideas will come later
Sheila Stubblefield/tuttle '71 said:
There’s a shot of me and my father I don’t know how to crop it out but that’s the most recent picture
Report a ProblemSheila Stubblefield/tuttle '71 said:
My email address has changed stubysg@gmail.com
Report a ProblemSheila Stubblefield '71 said:
Sheila Stubblefield Tuttle After retired from the Navy in 1997 taught Navy JROTC at Chaparral High School until 2011 here is my E-mail sheilatuttle2@cox.net I am now retired ideas will come later
Report a Problem