Tehachapi High School Alumni

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Tehachapi High School Reunions

Past Reunions:

Welcome Home Class of '71
Location: Kathleen's Home
Details: Welcome Home Class of '71

What: 45th Class Reunion
When: July 30, 2016
Where: Under the Stars
Address: 740 Silver Oak Drive, Tehachapi
Time: : Social Hour 6-7 pm. BYOB
Dinner: Served at 7pm
Cost: $20 each $40 per couple
Contact: Kathleen Weissbach Culpepper
Sue Lane Yocum
Photos: David Braun
RSVP: FB, I/M, call or text Kathleen
Deadline: July 20, 2016
When: Saturday, July 30th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1971
Event Details
Class of 1964 - 50th Reunion
Location: Old Train Depot
Details: Further Information Contact:

Tom Christopherson @ (408)363-3661 or christopherson@cox.net

Website: www.50threunion64.com
When: Saturday, August 2nd, 2014
Invited Classes: 1964
Event Details
Class of 1983 - 30 Year Reunion
When: Undetermined
Invited Classes: 1983
Event Details
THS Alumni Family BBQ
Location: TBA - We are looking for a large area that will hold 100-200 ppl. We need tables, chairs and restroom accomadations.
Details: All proceeds (after costs) will be put in a fund for a THS Student Scholarship. We are open to donations of food, moneys.. activities (Like bounce houses for the kids.
When: Sunday, August 21st, 2011
Invited Classes: All Classes
Event Details
40 Year Reunion
Location: Horse Thief Resturant at Stallion Springs. - - Social hour and pictures 5-6 P. M. - - Dinner at 6 P. M.
Details: Please forward all email or home addresses of classmates to Kathleen (Weissbach) Culpepper at: hugsum@att.net.
When: Saturday, August 6th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1971
Event Details
30 + Reunion
Location: TBA
Details: We are going to try a multi class reunion for 2011. Class memebers of THS 1976-1984 Please send your contact info to kharriger@att.net! Include name (maiden & married), addr, email addr, phone and class that you graduated with.
When: Undetermined
Invited Classes: 1980
Event Details
THS Class of 1991 20-Year Reunion
Location: Villa La Paz Conference Facility - Keene, CA
When: Saturday, August 20th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1991
Event Details
"Memories that linger on..."
Location: Grand Oaks Ranch
When: Saturday, August 21st, 2010
Invited Classes: 2000
Event Details
10 year Reunion
Location: Brite Lake, Tehachapi, CA
Details: $25 before 8/28/09, $35 at the event RSVP at http://www.tehachapihighschool1999.myevent.com
When: Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1999
Event Details
Tehachapi High Class of 1969 40 Year Reunion
Location: On Friday, August 28, 2009, we'll get together at Nick and Mary Damian's house in Bakersfield for a kick-off event. - - On Saturday, August 29, 2009, you might want to take some time to explore Tehachapi if you've been living elsewhere -- or get together
Details: Visit our class website, www.tehachapi69.com for much more information!
When: Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1969
Event Details
Details: Social hour, dinner and dancing. We need addresses. Pass the word about the Reunion and contact information. We have acquired a block of rooms at the La Quinta Inn, located next door to Cattlemen's for anyone that is interested. Need RSVP's on attendance no later than July 26th.
When: Saturday, August 9th, 2008
Invited Classes: 1983
Event Details

Plan a Reunion Event

Anyone can plan a reunion on our Tehachapi High School site.

1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).

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