Suncoast High School Class Of 1975 40th Reunion
July 17th, 2015 7:00pm
(ending July 18th, 2015)
Embassy Suites Palm Beach Gardens 4350 PGA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
4350 PGA Blvd
, Palm Beach Gardens
, Florida
, 33410
ticket prices
Both nights included in Price - $110.00
Invited Classes
About Event
The Class of 1975 Suncoast Chargers is planning a 40th Reunion for July 2015. Please contact us at Suncoast75Reunion40@comcast.net with your contact information. Please also check the Facebook group "Class of 1975 - Suncoast High School" and ask to join the group. All updated information will be on the Facebook group page.
Suncoast High School Class of 1975 - 40th Reunion will officially begin with a Friday night "get re-acquainted" social event with drinks and appetizers, and culminate with a private Saturday night dinner/banquet with music, food, drinks and fun. We do have a block of discounted rooms on site for those needing one. We will also have a "Hospitality Room" at the hotel where classmates can congregate throughout the day. This will also provide a specific location where classmates can meet up with other classmates during the weekend regardless of the time of day.
You may purchase tickets as an Individual or as an Alumni with a Guest. You may also just purchase a T-Shirt if you can't attend festivities. Please contact us for purchasing method information.
There will be limited tickets available at the door at $125/person (Cash Only)
Ticket Price Includes:
- Admission to Friday Night Social
- Admission to Saturday Night Banquet
- DJ - Banquet
- Venue costs
- T-Shirts for alumni
- Hospitality Room Access
- Catering costs for Social & Banquet
- Mailings
- Decorations
- Name Tags
Roy Hill Jr. '75 said:
Looking for any newspaper or pictures of sports info. I made all conference and all district for cross country and track......also a year book photo with my name roy hill jr.
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