South Dade High School Alumni

Homestead, Florida (FL)

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South Dade High School - Class of 1962 Alumni, Homestead FL

Join 14 alumni from South Dade High School Class of 1962. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Tom Jackson

Tom Jackson
Class of 1962

Vic Maloy

Vic Maloy
Class of 1962

Robert Stone

Robert Stone
Class of 1962

Johnny Brown

Johnny Brown
Class of 1962

Robert Focht

Robert Focht
Class of 1962

Thomas Wurzbach

Thomas Wurzbach
Class of 1962

Frank Gentner

Frank Gentner
Class of 1962

Robert Hunt

Robert Hunt
Class of 1962

Jim Cross

Jim Cross
Class of 1962

Martha Douberly

Martha Douberly
Class of 1962

James Stanfield

James Stanfield
Class of 1962

Marian Gurnee

Marian Gurnee
Class of 1962

Stuart Mills

Stuart Mills
Class of 1962

Ralph Cross

Ralph Cross
Class of 1962

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