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Socorro High School Class Of 1990


July 24th, 2010


----- Forwarded Message ---- - From: Bulldogs <> - Subject: Here is the info posted in classmates and through personal emails. - - - Dear Bulldogs, - - We have reserved our venue! The tentative date for our reunion will be July

Invited Classes


About Event

Hi eveyrone, I'll be having a garage sale on May 15th, 2010, starting at 6am. Anyone wanting to help that morning (I know, very few) is welcome to! I am also asking that if you have any large items like appliances, tools, etc., to please donate them to me so I can make some money. I will be donating the money to the class reunion fund so that we can build up that scholarship. Remember, it's our responsibility to contribute to our community and we should feel honored! Also, college books are bloody expensive these days and I hope we can lessen the burden on 1 or 2 students!!! Well, keep in touch and let me know as soon as possible - don't be shy. (915-491-7578) 833 Tepic Drive El Paso, Texas 79912 Have a great day, Edith

Class of 1990
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel