Shadle Park High School Class Of 1984 30-year
July 18th, 2014
(ending July 20th, 2014)
Undetermined - Please send suggestions.
Invited Classes
Meet and Greet
July 18th, 2014 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Poole's Public House
101 E Hastings Rd
, Spokane
, Washington
, 99218
Invited Classes
About Event
This will be a great opportunity to "meet" up with old friends and "greet" new ones. This is set up to be a pay on your own event.
Tour of Shadle Park High School
July 19th, 2014
Shadle Park High School
4327 N Ash
, Spokane
, Washington
, 99205
Invited Classes
About Event
This will be a great opportunity to see all the changes to Shadle Park High School over the last 30 years. It really is quite amazing to see!
Golf Tournament
July 19th, 2014 9:00am - 2:00pm
Sundance Golf Course
9725 N Nine Mile Rd
, Nine Mile
, Washington
, 99026
ticket prices
Greens Fees and Cart - $45.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Each person can pay directly at the Golf Course. However, if you could let me know who you are golfing with so I can let them know that would be great.
5-Mile House Party
July 19th, 2014 7:00pm - 7:00pm
5-Mile Grange
3024 W Strong Rd
, Spokane
, Washington
, 99208
ticket prices
Dinner, Drinks and Fun! - $50.00
Spouse or guest - $25.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Order tickets via Eventbrite:
Darren Franz '85 said:
We understand your looking for Darren Franz. Our email is Thank you!
Report a ProblemTina Wood '84 said:
Hello Highlanders! Just a note to let you know we have set up a new Facebook Page entitled Shadle Park Class of 84.
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