Seneca Township High School Alumni
Seneca, Illinois (IL)
Seneca Township High School - Class of 1980 Alumni
Join 11 alumni from Seneca Township High School Class of 1980. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Mille Grazie
Class of 1980
Tina Marik
Class of 1980
Rhonda Gones
Class of 1980
Anthony Hutfles
Class of 1980
Tina Marik
Class of 1980
Lori Mavity
Class of 1980
Michael Otis Sr.
Class of 1980
Robin Larson
Class of 1980
Dan Truschka
Class of 1980
Terry Hooper
Class of 1980
Daryl Rix
Class of 1980
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