40th Reunion For Class Of 1974, Salina High School South
June 13th, 2014 6:00pm
(ending June 14th, 2014 11:00pm)
Blue Skye Brewery & Eats
116 N. Santa Fe
, Salina
, Kansas
, 67401
Invited Classes
About Event
6/13/14 Friday night meet and greet 6:00 pm. Blue Skye Brewery & Eats, 116t N. Santa Fe, Salina, KS Sat. morning: 9am - 11am Great Life Golf & Fitness, (formerly the Elks) 1800 S. Marymount Road Salina, KS (Crawford & Marymount Rd. go S. on Marymount Rd.) facebook: Golfit//Greatlife. 785-827-8585 9 holes + golf cart $23 pp OR no golf - just ride a cart around & enjoy the course for $7.50 pp. RSVP & Pre-pay in advance on form. Picnic Lunch 11 pm - 2 pm Purchase your own meals from Riverfest vendors or anywhere and meet up with us at the Shelter near the Big Black Train for a Picnic Lunch in Oakdale Park. Riverfest buttons are available in advance for $10. The train shelter is outside the gates of the Riverfest, so you can buy or bring your lunch from anywhere. Special desserts will be provided by classmates!!! (Please let me know if you’d like to bring a dessert &/or want a Riverfest Button on the form.) School Tour & Visit with Teachers/Coaches. Salina High School South Commons Area 2pm - 4pm. Cookies, Iced Tea & Lemonade, pls. RSVP on the form.
At 5:30 pm, meet at South High School Parking Lot WEST SIDE & hop on a Durham School Bus Air Conditioned Charter Bus and ride to Abilene with us! 40 people per bus. $7.00 pp round trip.
Arrive at BROOKVILLE HOTEL 105 E. Lafayette Abilene, KS 67410 at 6:15 pm. (Since there will be a cash bar at Brookville, I hope you won’t drink & drive, but will take the bus!!) Return by 10:15 pm-ish. Please RSVP & Pre-Pay on the form.
Pictures at BROOKVILLE taken from 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm. Total group & by Grade School groups. (If you would like to volunteer to take pictures throughout the reunion, please let Lily know. If you are a Professional Photographer, and would like to do the shoot for us, please let Lily know!) Pictures of your choice will be mailed to you later. (Fill out an order form…to come later.) A 40th Reunion Memory Computer Mouse Pad will be available to purchase for $5 ea. with our group picture on it, and your pictures, then & now!! Details to follow. Pre-pay for Mouse Pad on the form.
Seating for Family Style Chicken Dinner at BROOKVILLE HOTEL 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm $21 pp (includes beverage, tax & tip) Dinner includes: Relishes, Sweet-Sour Coleslaw, Mashed Potatoes & Chicken Gravy, Fresh Frozen Cream-Style Corn, 2 pieces Chicken, Baking Powder Biscuits w/creamy butter & preserves, Home-style Ice Cream, and beverage. (Soda, tea, coffee, milk) A Cash Bar will be available. Open Microphone for individual sharing after dinner, then a memorial. Return on the bus back to South HS. Need a firm count. Please RSVP and Pre-Pay on the form.
Late night on the patio, 10:30pm - 2:00am.Meet at the Speakeasy 2030 S. Ohio for late night visiting on the patio. Kitchen closes at 11 pm.
?'s ask: lilyduncan@cox.net 316.461.5459