Rincon High School Class Of 95 - 20 Yr Reunion
October 23rd, 2015 8:00pm
(ending October 25th, 2015)
Casino Del Sol Resort
5655 W. Valencia Rd
, Tucson
, Arizona
, 85757
ticket deadline
October 22nd, 2015
Invited Classes
About Event
We will be having our Class of 95 20-yr Reunion October 23rd-25th at the beautiful Casino Del Sol Resort. Come join us for a great time out in the desert. This will be a wonderful location for all. More event details are on their way. Mark the date on your calendar.
For more information please email rhsreunion95@cox.net
Recommended Hotels
Hotel rooms available at $119+tax. You must act fast as the resort sells out most if not all weekends