Rincon High School 45th Year Reunion
April 13th, 2018 4:00pm
(ending April 14th, 2018)
The Hideout Saloon
1110 S Sherwood Village
, Tucson
, Arizona
, 85710
Invited Classes
About Event
I found out about this from Linsley Sweet. It seems she doesn't have a lot of contacts. I thought it sounded much more casual and interesting to go to a Saloon and hang out. If it interests you contact me and I will forward you the info for and from Linsley.
Friday is a school visit, followed by cocktails at Wilburs (Viscount)
Sat is dinner at the Hideout.
RSVP to me or LInsley
Linsley--- sweetlinsley@gmail.com
send an email and I will forward the flyer
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Viscount Suites