Rincon High School Class Of 1963 Post 55th Reunion
October 26th, 2018 7:00am
(ending October 30th, 2018 1:00pm)
, Tucson
, Arizona
Invited Classes
About Event
WE MISSED YOU, THAT COULD NOT OR DID NOT MAKE IT. THINK ABOUT 2018. God willing we will see you all then. Look for pictures and a event letter on rinconfondation.org under distentecho.
George Ortiz
George Ortiz '63 said:
Class mates we did it and had fun, we are woring on posting photos on rinconfondation.org with a event letter. If you know of any of the people that run the web sight as the to get ahold of me please. Thanks
Report a ProblemCarl Riggs '63 said:
I can't wait to see everyone_AGAIN. Last time was at our 40th and man had we all aged. JUST KIDDING. Let me know if I can help in any way. Riggsy aka Carl Riggs.
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