Rancho Cotate High School Rchs Class Of 1988, 25 Year Reunion
August 31st, 2013 2:00pm
(ending September 1st, 2013 12:00pm)
Quincy's and Friar Tucks
ticket deadline
July 31st, 2013
ticket prices
3 events for one price per person - $50.00
About Event
Check us out on Facebook for more accurate and up to the minute details!
Let us know if it will be just you or if you're bringing your significant other/friend:
Saturday, Aug 31 2-6pm Pre-reunioin gathering at Quincy's
Saturday, Aug 31 8-10pm Reunion gathering at Friar Tuck's
Sunday, Sept 1 9am-noon Brunch at Friar Tuck's
All three events are $50 per person (not per event; cost is for all 3). Questions are welcome, however, we are still working on some of the minor details. We did NOT get any group hotel rates yet (any volunteers want to work on that?!). And, yes, kids and family are welcome to the brunch ($8 for kids or adults who did not already pay for tickets) so we'll have to figure out how to do that separately. Keep looking here for information. We'll soon post how to pay, and more details.
Please let us know if you plan to attend! Pass it along!