Patrick Henry High School Class Of 1969 50th Reunion
June 8th, 2019 1:00pm - 11:00pm
Plymouth Creek Community Center
Invited Classes
About Event
We are in the early stages of planning. Cost, times, meal choices etc will be made available when all decisions have been made. Look for your Save The Date postcard! If you are not on the mail or email list, please contact Linda Luchsinger at
Recommended Hotels
Information will be forthcoming
Meet and Greet with hor d'oeuvres
June 8th, 2019 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Plymouth Creek Community Center
148oo 34th Ave. No
, Plymouth
, Minnesota
, 55447
ticket prices
Meet and Greet / Dinner buffet - $60.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Mailing with RSVP information to go out Feb. 18. via email and snail mail. Due March 22nd. No walk ups allowed
Cash bar, free parking.
Recommended Hotels
Comfort Inn 3000 Harbor Lane, Plymouth, MN
Crown Plaza Mpls West, 3131 Campus Dr, Plymouth, MN
Class of 1969 50th Reunion
Reunion Committee
Invited Classmates
Reunion Apparel
Now as you and your fellow Patriots prepare to enjoy retirement it's the perfect time to reunite and share where life has brought you in the last five decades. Your reunion is scheduled and AlumniClass is your spot for arranging travel plans, ordering custom Patriots merchandise to show off your school spirit, and connect with classmates ahead of time.