Paramount High School Class 1964 Reunion
September 20th, 2014 6:30pm
Raddison Hotel Newport Beach
4545 Mac Arthur Blvd.
, Newport Beach
, California
, 92660
ticket prices
reunion, music, hors d’oeuvres 3-course sit down dinner - $75.00
after August 15th - $85.00
Invited Classes
About Event
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM – Light Hors D’oeuvres and No Host Bar
8:00 PM – Sit down 3 course dinner
Music and sharing fond memories all night long! (Don’t worry the bar will remain open until midnight)
RSVP & Tickets Safely Online
To purchase tickets, please follow the instructions below. Please RSVP and get your tickets NOW, as ticket prices will increase after March 1st!
1.Go to:
2. Click on the YELLOW “find me” link
3.Type in your last name/maiden name and first name
4.Click on your record and follow the steps in RED
We are encouraging everyone to please use our online method of
payment to help the planning committee manage reunion funds in a
more automated fashion. For those who have to pay by check, please
make your check payable to PHS 1964 and mail it to: Pat Kight
29623 Waynewood Dr., Temecula, CA 92591
Whether you are planning to attend or not, don’t forget to
update your bio information at the ReunionDB site. Just
click on your photo to tell us about yourself, family,
interests, job, etc
Hotel Information: A block of rooms is being held for
Friday September 19th through Sunday September 21st. A
special price of $119 is being offered to our classmates.
Parking is free and they provide free shuttle service to
John Wayne Airport. The promo code is PHS50. For
those driving: exit (405) freeway at Mac Arthur Blvd,
then take Mac Arthur Blvd south to Birch, 4545 Mac
Arthur Blvd near John Wayne Airport.
Questions: Email
Or Call: Pat Kight@ (951)760-8681
Visit our reunion Facebook Group page:
Paramount HS Class of 1964 - 50 Year Reunion