Oxford Academy High School Hippest Class From The Past - Class Of 1976 Reunion
July 29th, 2016 6:00pm
(ending July 31st, 2016)
Oxford American Legion Ice Breaker
Route 12
, Oxford
, New York
, 13830
Invited Classes
About Event
The weekend will start at the American Legion for their Annual Ice Breaker on Friday, July 29, 2016. We will continue on to the Muzzy Farm for our class get together on Saturday for our class get together. We decided on BBQ. Please bring a dish to pass. We will be taking donations for meat, as our class fund is almost at a zero balance. We currently have $50.00 and after buying paper goods, silverware, cups, drinks, we will be in the red! So, for us to try to get the class treasury back into good standings again, we'll need donations and every little bit helps!! We can also do a 50/50 raffle.