Orange High School Alumni

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Orange High School - Class of 1960 Alumni

Join 14 alumni from Orange High School Class of 1960. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Michael Dodge

Michael Dodge
Class of 1960

Gary Gunther

Gary Gunther
Class of 1960

Gary Brummett

Gary Brummett
Class of 1960

Esther Aceituno

Esther Aceituno
Class of 1960

Gerald Moore

Gerald Moore
Class of 1960

Bob Mckowan

Bob Mckowan
Class of 1960

Kathryn Groschwitz

Kathryn Groschwitz
Class of 1960

Dick Hayes

Dick Hayes
Class of 1960

Steve Ribeau

Steve Ribeau
Class of 1960

Barbara L Hill

Barbara L Hill
Class of 1960

Linda Kearney

Linda Kearney
Class of 1960

Michael Harper

Michael Harper
Class of 1960

John Piescer

John Piescer
Class of 1960

Victor Eggers

Victor Eggers
Class of 1960

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