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Oakland High School 50 Year Reunion


August 7th, 2010


Scott's in Jack London Square

Invited Classes


About Event

I just made a reservation for the Pavilion Room at Scott’s at Jack London Square for Saturday night Aug 7,2010. I am estimating there will be 200 or so guests, considering the class of ’59 had 220 guests for their 50th and took over two years to communicate with their class – and they used the Pavilion Room and all seemed to go well. I have emailed with Henry Chin and George Nicholson of their reunion committee and have been reassured they will share their experiences. I feel confident that Scott’s is the best venue for our event. Additionally, we can have a Friday night informal gathering at Scott’s and MissPearl’sJamHouse right across the plaza from Scott’s for those who might want to pre-visit. A Sunday gathering (picnic) could be done at a park (Roberts up on Skyline seems appropriate). These two additional events would be factored in as separate costs. Here are the estimated costs for the Saturday night event, considering 200 people attending. Scott’s Pavilion (minimum 150 people attending) $ 1,000 Duet Entrée per person around $50 x 200 $10,000 (includes green salad, chicken+salmon, non-alcohol beverages) vegetarian on request misc costs per person $10 x 200 $ 2,000 TOTAL, as of now $13,000 Cost per person $13,000/200 = $65.00 Having said $65 per person with what I know, now, I am sure that the realities will bump the price up a bit and might go as high as $100. Please give me feedback on this issue. Certainly the costs of getting to the reunion and housing would be much more for those out of town. I will be visiting the Bay Area again, soon, and will get more info about Hotels, transportation, etc. but for now, I recommend the Waterfront Hotel right on the Square and will be negotiating for room discounts, there. Transportation from the Square to all Bay Areas is good. I have been allowed to make this reservation without any money for a few weeks but will need to come up with some, soon. Scott’s is bending their deposit rules to accommodate our late start but I will have to establish a Reunion Account, soon, with a payment amount and payment capability. I have had great responses from many of you and I will define the tasks to be done so we can all participate as we see fit. Please give me as much feedback on this as soon as you can so I can proceed, confidently. Most importantly, share this information with as many of your classmates as you can and give them my contact information so they can stay up to date with the event. Thanks, very much, for your encouragement. - Jim My contact info: Jim Abernathy PO Box 1064 Bellingham, WA 98227-1064 cell (916) 214-5239

50 year reunion
Reunion Committee

Jim Abernathy '60

Jim Abernathy '60

Reunion Coordinator

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