Oak Hill High School Class Of 1974 Reunion
July 26th, 2014 4:30pm - 8:30pm
The Roseburg Event Center
3983 West 38th Street, Marion, Indiana
, Marion
, Indiana
ticket prices
Each Person 19. - $19.94
Invited Classes
About Event
Patrick J. Daniels
346 South Lake Ave
Phillips, Wisconsin 54555
e-mail: patael@pctcnet.net
Home (715) 339-6086
Cell (715) 820-0689
January 5, 2014
Dear Classmates,
I trust you are doing well.
It may be difficult to believe, but next year marks the 40th year of our graduating from Oak Hill High School. While in high school, each of us had our friends and teachers that we had developed over a period of years. Perhaps these relationships have faltered. Well, here is your opportunity to reconnect with your classmates. Some of your classmates have helped me find you, and I would be very excited to see you come and join us!
We will meet in a hall of at the The Roseburg Event Center, 3983 West 38th Street, Marion, Indiana, on the date of July 26, 2014, from 4:30 to 8:30 to have a delicious dinner and reconnect with each other.
The cost is $19.94 for each participant. Bring your spouse if possible. It would be very helpful if you would inform me of your coming as we make plans. Please call me or write by February 28, 2014. You can call me, write me by mail, or email me. Please come! Everyone I have talked to is excited about coming to this reunion event!
Another detail I want to bring up is this: we have sought to find everyone, but some have been difficult to find! On the back of this letter are the list of names we could not locate. If you know where these classmates are, please let me know!
Sincerely yours,
Patrick Daniels
Oak Hill High School 40th Reunion July 26, 2014