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Norton High School Nchs Class Of 1990 20 Year Reunion


July 31st, 2010


NCHS - Eisenhower Elementary School - Elmwood Park - Town & Country Kitchen

Invited Classes


About Event

NCHS 1990, 20 year reunion. Friday, July 30 Nothing formal. Norton County Fairgrounds is open and lots of people will be congregating there. Saturday, July 31 10:00am optional Golf at PDRA 1:00 Tour of NCHS! Meet at the teacher parking lot by the gym. 2:00 Tour of Eisenhower Elementary! 3:00-4:30 Elmwood Park with families just to hang out and play. Meet everyone's spouses, families, significant others, parents or just yourself! Watermelon and (hopefully) the famous Peanut Butter Twists from Elementary school and kid friendly beverages. Saturday evening: Adults only. Dinner in the backroom of the Town & Country Kitchen at 6:30-7:30. (dinner being served at 6:45, please be on time) Hang out from 7:30-11:00. Friends of 1990 welcome to join us after the meal. Bacon wrapped pork chops/buffet dinner. $10 per person, salad bar and ice tea included. (everyone paying individually) Pop, $1.50 w/ free refills. Beer available for purchase, $2 a bottle. Good ol' 80's & 90's music, and hopefully some music videos from our era as well. See you there! ~Michelle McMullen Cummings cell: 720.284.2720

NCHS Class of 1990 20 year reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel