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Northwestern High School Class Of '68 45th. Reunion


October 12th, 2013 6:00pm


Sindbad's - Sohar Room
100 St. Clair Ave. , Detroit , Michigan , 48214

ticket prices

Reunion/Dinner Ticket/pp - $50.00

Invited Classes


About Event

Reunion details have been finalized. Please purchase your tickets, before Sept. 30th. Make checks or Money Orders payable to Northwestern High School Alumni Class of '68 mail to Ilene M Rogers
19500 Stahelin Ave., Detroit MI 48219. Or go to, go to the transfer tab send someone money and complete the information and in the recipient box enter the following email address:

45th Class Reunion
Reunion Committee

Ilene Armstead '68

Ilene Armstead '68

Reunion Coordinator

Send a Message

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel