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Northwest High School 35 Year Class Reunion For Class Of 1975


July 10th, 2010


Warwick Park

Invited Classes


About Event

This get-to-gether is planned as a "day at the park" with time for talking and playing games together. Please bring $5 per single and $10 per family to defer the costs of the park and the main course. The main course will be prepared by some of your classmates. We are asking you to bring a covered dish and your own drinks (The park does not allow alcoholic beverages). In order to try and have a nice balance we are asking that you bring the dish in the following categories by last names (High School name): A-E Salads/Relishes F-J Appetizers K-P Desserts Q-Z Side Dishes If you prefer to bring something else just let me know. We will eat at 2 PM. Games and music are being organized and a class picture is planned for 3 PM. All input and ideas are welcome. So if you want to do something let me know. If you can let me know by June 10th if you are planning to attend and how many that would be attending that would be greatly appreciated.

35 Year Class Reunion for Class of 1975
Reunion Committee

Kimberly Blake '75

Kimberly Blake '75

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

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