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North College Hill High School Fourth Annual Nch Alumni Social Event


September 24th, 2010


Charles Gailey VFW post on Brownsway Lane

Invited Classes

All Classes

About Event

This year's event includes door prizes, split the Pot, a 1936 video of NCH, MT. Healthy, Finneytown and Colerain, Wooden replicas of NCH High School, display from NCH Historical Society, Music from 50's; 60's; 70's; 80's, Beer Soft drinks, pretzels and potato chips all included in pirce. Light food and top shelf liquer will be available for purchas. you can bring your own snacks if you like. $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Checks payable to NORTH COLLEGE HILL ALUMNI ASSN. Send check for reservations to: Linda Thinnes Braunwart 6831 Richard Ave Cincinnati, Oh 45224

Fourth Annual NCH Alumni Social Event
Reunion Committee

Larry Arszman '70

Larry Arszman '70

Reunion Coordinator

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