September 18th, 2021 5:00pm - 10:00pm
1969, 1970, 1971
Harold (jim) Link '70
Committee Chairman
Tyler Van Aken '70
Committee Co-chairman
Allyson Smith '69
Andy Vorono '69
Angie Rico '70
Ann Stinson '71
Barry Eddins '71
Belinda Beezley '70
Bill Carson '70
Bill Fahrenkrug '71
Bill Hessell '69
Bob Bob Harrison '70
Bonnie Ferguson '70
Carol Cloe '70
Carol Essres '69
Cathy Southerland '69
Charlie Ramos '70
Cheri Clark '70
Cheryl Benard '69
Chris Brewer '69
Chris Chris York '70
Christine Christine Cassidy '71
Christine Gurney '70
Christopher Fraenza '69
Christopher Leland '69
Chuck Holloway '71
Claudia Taggaart '69
Dale Neuls '69
Dale Pfafflin '70
Daniel Reynolds '70
David Benkert '71
David Henderson '70
David Kinghorn '71
David Miller '69
David Newberg '71
Deborah Tebbetts '69
Debra Debra Meyer '70
Debra Lange '70
Denys Merriman '69
Dewayne Boese '70
Diane Clausen '70
Diane Hobin '71
Dona Webster Dona Webster '70
Donald Darling '69
Don Andreasen '71
Donna St. Clair (millfelt) '69
Doug Barnes '71
Drummond Marshall '71
Ed Terrazas '69
Elizabeth Elizabeth Needham '70
Ellen Kearney '69
Eric Eric Mossman '70
Eric Hertzen '70
Eric Vermeeren '69
France Bensimon '71
Franklin Franklin '69
Gail Benson '71
Gary Van Arnam '70
Greg Henry '69
Greg Mafnas '71
Harold Besser '71
Helen Allgood '71
Jackie Jackie Barto '70
James Hanna '70
James Raymond '69
Janice Russo '71
Janice Santos/Finkhouse '69
Janine Gill '69
Janis Henry '69
Jan Strass '70
Jeffery Rosser '70
Jeffrey Earle '70
Jeff Rosser '70
Jill Stipp '71
Jim Boone '70
Jim Goede '71
Joe Kohl '70
John Doherty '69
John Gill '69
John Jameson '69
John Stecker '70
John Sullivan '71
Joseph Frolich '71
Judith Presson '69
Judy Biester '69
Karen Karen Harchar '70
Karen Lunden '69
Karen Rowe '70
Karla Durham '70
Karol ( Buzz ) Hummel '69
Kathie Quibodeaux '69
Kathleen Nauert '70
Kathleen Laizure '70
Kathleen Mcculloch '70
Kathy Bell '69
Kathy Laizure Eide '70
Kathy O'Reilly '70
Keith Donaldson '69
Kelly Moore '69
Kenny Murillo '70
Ken Sterrett '71
Ken Yabuki '70
Kevin Brown '69
Kim Weber '70
Kirk Gresham '70
Larry Doty '71
Larry Wilcox '69
Laura Kosteva '69
Laura Lindquist '69
Laura Steinbruge '71
Laura Thommes '70
Linda Brooks '69
Linda Robinson '70
Lindsay Conn '71
Lisa Clark '69
Lisa Roberts '70
Lorraine Emer '70
Madelyn New '70
Marc Harpole '69
Marcida Marcida Dodson '70
Marie Garland '70
Marilyn Johnson '69
Mark Kotch '70
Mark Rehling '71
Marsha Koester '70
Martin Drake '69
Mary Chavez '71
Melanie Bronn '70
Meredith Lamport '70
Michael Cadra '71
Mike Molander '70
Monica Govednik '71
Monica Monica Lewis '70
Nancy Alleman '70
Narda Alvarado '70
Pam Selle '69
Pamela Antonowitsch '69
Pam Murphy '70
Patricia Patricia Singer '70
Paul Schneider '71
Peggy Davis '69
Ralph Ralph Speer '71
Ralph Speer '71
Rebecca Harritt '69
Remotepcdoctor Net '69
Renee Moos '69
Rhonda Chiesa '70
Rhonda Warner '70
Richard Graf '71
Rick Pinkston '70
Rick Saeman '70
Roberta Bobbie Huff '69
Robert Franklin '70
Robert Lancaster '70
Robert Lemmon '69
Robert Taylor '69
Ronald Ross '70
Ronald Treleven '70
Ron Barnes '69
Ron Maged '69
Scott Cairns '69
Scott Scott Hurban '70
Scott Sorenson '69
Sharon Higley '70
Steve Hadland '69
Steve Hayes '70
Susanne Tolen '69
Tamerlane Woods '69
Terry Kennedy '71
Thomas Thomas Peavy '71
Timothy B Osuch Osuch '70
Timothy Glass '71
Tom Cairns '69
Tom Legros '70
Tom Taggart '71
Trish Singer Brickley '70
Valerie Estrada '69
Vance Goodman '71
Vincent Kusick '70
Walter Mcbride '71
Wayne Kurtz '69
Wendy Weber '69
William Carlton '69
William Carson '70
William Sigurdson '69
Harold (jim) Link '70 said:
$75.00 per person
Joe Kohl '70 said:
What's the final cost of dinner?
Harold (jim) Link '70 said:
$75.00 per person
Report a ProblemJoe Kohl '70 said:
What's the final cost of dinner?
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