Central High School Class of 94 Reunion
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Central High School Class Of 94 Reunion


November 28th, 2014 7:00pm
(ending November 29th, 2014 12:00am)


The Puritan Backroom
245 Hooksett Rd. , Manchester , New Hampshire , 03104

ticket prices

Per Person - $25.00

Invited Classes


About Event

Manchester Central High School Class of 94 20th Reunion will take place on Friday, November 28, 2014.

Ticket price is $25 per person (we highly encourage bringing your spouse or significant other). Included in the cost of your ticket will be a generous buffet dinner beginning at 8PM with no formal seating, open bar of beer and wine for at least one hour beginning at 7, a DJ, an additional bartender to expedite drinks, an employee to work the door for admissions, decorations, and at least a $500 donation to Central. When factoring all of the costs the price per person may approach $50. Again, we are only charging $25 per person.

This will be a CASUAL EVENT! No stuffy dress code (Pants and a button down or sweater for men and the equivalent for woman).

We will be providing the Puritan Backroom with updated numbers tomorrow, Friday, November 21, and will need to provide them with final numbers (in order for them to be able to accommodate our food order) on Tuesday, November 25. Please take the time to register and buy your tickets ASAP (but in any event by Tuesday, November 25) at www.ManchesterCentral94.myevent.com.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Central High School Class of 94 Reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel