Lincoln High School Alumni

Sioux Falls, South Dakota (SD)

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David Klith Obituary

David Klith attended Lincoln High School in Sioux Falls, SD. View the obituary, post a memory, or share a photo about David Klith.

Graduation Year Class of 1970
Date of Passing (unknown)
About (no additional information)
David Klith

Classmate Memories

Steven Sallie '70 said:

From age 5 to 12, I was David's closet and likely only real friend. We remained friends until we were 16. After we formed the Nomads and then the Nobes, 8 of us went to county jail for a month and we seldom spoke for years thereafter. I was the only classmate to attend his father's funeral. By chance I was not with him the day he blew his right eye out. He was my best man during my first wedding in 1973. His mother Meryll and brother Terry were always nice to me. The last time I saw him was when he came over to my parent's house in December 1983 during Christmas break. His birthday 12-20-51 and mine 12-27-51. If any family member desires to know David much better, then feel free to contact me in private. Steven, PhD, JD

