Lincoln High School Alumni
Sioux Falls, South Dakota (SD)
Lincoln High School - Class of 1985 Alumni, Sioux Falls SD
Join 21 alumni from Lincoln High School Class of 1985. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Michael Michael Klein
Class of 1985
John Scheel
Class of 1985
Kristine Young
Class of 1985
Sue Hepner
Class of 1985
Jake Dunda
Class of 1985
Derek Amato
Class of 1985
Kymberlee Larsen
Class of 1985
Brian Brian Bloomhall
Class of 1985
David Kading
Class of 1985
Tim Tim Deutsch
Class of 1985
Andrea Green
Class of 1985
Jim Powell
Class of 1985
Charlie Timmer
Class of 1985
Glenn Ethridge
Class of 1985
Kerry Hamiel
Class of 1985
Jay Roti
Class of 1985
Carol Anne Olson
Class of 1985
Kimberly Friesen
Class of 1985
Patrick Curl
Class of 1985
Scott Roethler
Class of 1985
Michael Fountain
Class of 1985
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