Lincoln High School Class Of 1973 Reunion
August 23rd, 2014 6:00pm
The Hotel Murano
1320 Broadway St
, Tac
, Washington
, 98402
ticket prices
Single - $60.00
Invited Classes
About Event
We are so pleased to be putting together a 41st Class Reunion! We did not have a 40th, so let's do it! Today thru August 1st, the price is $60.00 per person. After August 1, price is $75.00 per person. Register now at Please - at least - leave your contact info: name and e-mail address. Questions? Contact Reunion Chair Susan Wessel Lord -
Susan Wessel '73 said:
Hi, Classmates. If you are planning to attend the 41st Reunion on Saturday, August 23, and have not registered yet, we need you to do so as soon as possible. Please be sure your payment is in the "Treasurer’s hands" or made via Paypal by next Tuesday, August 19th. This is necessary as we need to place the final, guaranteed, headcount to the hotel the next day. For payment information, please see our website, Thanks! sue wessel lord, chair
Report a ProblemSusan Wessel '73 said:
The LHS 41st Reunion Committee cordially invites ALL Lincoln High School Class of 1973 classmates to:
A Tour of Lincoln High School, be led by Patrick Erwin, Principal, of LHS.
The tour will be held on:
Friday, August 22, 2014
2:30-4:30 pm
Meet at the Auditorium
Many of us will be meeting after the tour at The Swiss Restaurant and Pub in downtown Tacoma (near the UW-Tacoma campus).
The Swiss
5:00 pm
1904 Jefferson Ave
Tacoma, WA 98402
The “Middle Room” at the Swiss has been reserved for us. A limited food menu will be available (hamburgers, salads, pasta, chicken tenders, etc.) and individual tabs will be available.
Please RSVP to me for both the tour (no fee) and The Swiss (“no-host”). Thanks!
On behalf of the Class of 1973 Reunion Committee,
Sue Wessel Lord
Report a ProblemSusan Wessel '73 said:
$60.00 Registration Extended to August 1
Hi, Classmates. We want everyone to come to the reunion as possible, so we have extended the $60.00 per person registration fee to August 1. After that date, we will need to charge $75.00 each and will not be able to extend the deadline again. So, plan on sending your registration in soon! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! slord@wamail.netSue Wessel Lord, Chair, LHS Class of 1973 41st Reunion Committee
Report a ProblemSusan Wessel '73 said:
Early Registration Fee Extended! Pay $60.00 thru June 21st!
Dear LHS ’73 Classmates. The reunion committee is very pleased about the number of people who have expressed their interest in attending our 41st Class Reunion. However, we are becoming concerned because many of you have not yet registered. It would really help us if you would sign up and remit your payment as soon as possible. We do not wish to nag at our classmates, but we are facing a deadline where we must decide whether to cancel the hotel venue in order to avoid having to pay for the entire event without knowing if enough classmates will be attending. We need about 160 attendees (including spouses and/or guests) to break even. We believe that number is do-able, but we really need you to register!
On June 22 the regular price of $75.00 per person will kick in. Please pay now at a discount.
Thanks so much!
The Class of Lincoln High School 41st Reunion Committee
Early Registration Fee Extended! Pay $60.00 thru June 21st!
Dear LHS ’73 Classmates. The reunion committee is very pleased about the number of people who have expressed their interest in attending our 41st Class Reunion. However, we are becoming concerned because many of you have not yet registered. It would really help us if you would sign up and remit your payment as soon as possible. We do not wish to nag at our classmates, but we are facing a deadline where we must decide whether to cancel the hotel venue in order to avoid having to pay for the entire event without knowing if enough classmates will be attending. We need about 160 attendees (including spouses and/or guests) to break even. We believe that number is do-able, but we really need you to register!
On June 22 the regular price of $75.00 per person will kick in. Please pay now at a discount.
Thanks so much!
The Class of Lincoln High School 41st Reunion Committee
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