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Liberty High School Class Of 1963 50th. Class Reunion


September 28th, 2013 6:00pm - 9:00pm


Shoal Creek Country Club Ballroom
8905 Shoal Creek Parkway , Kansas City , Missouri , 64157

ticket prices

Call (816) 826-6018 for information - $50.00

Invited Classes


About Event

This is a two evening event. A Friday Welcome Reception and Buffet Dinner will be held Friday, Sep. 27, 5:00 to 9:00 at Conrad's Ale House in Liberty. For late registration call Dave Marler (816) 826-6018 or Bill Stilfield (816) 407-9426.

Liberty High School Class of 1963 50th. Class Reunion
Reunion Committee

David Marler '63

David Marler '63

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel