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Lawrence High School Class Of 2000 10 Year Reunion


November 13th, 2010


KatManDu 50 Riverview Executive Park (Route 29) Mercer County Waterfront Park Trenton, NJ 08611

Invited Classes


About Event

PRICE: $45 per person before October 29th (Please respond and pay promptly! The price will go up to $50 after October 29th) HOW TO PAY: Send $45 via PayPal to (which is linked to the reunion bank account) WHAT'S INCLUDED: Our own private room, open bar, a light dinner buffet, and admission to the nightclub (if you want to stay after the official event) GUESTS: Each alumni is allowed to invite a guest, but a ticket must be purchased for each guest ACCOMMODATIONS: There will be a group rate at the Trenton Marriott Downtown, details to be announced soon DRESS CODE: Dress to impress WANT TO HELP?: We're looking for people to help with photography, promotion of the event, decorations, and check-in at the event. We'd also appreciate any corporate or individual sponsors (donations of $100 or more). Please e-mail if you are interested! PLEASE GET THE WORD OUT AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! QUESTIONS/COMMENTS?: E-mail

Lawrence High School Class of 2000 10 Year Reunion
Reunion Committee

Dee Dee Dixon '00

Dee Dee Dixon '00

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel