Juneau-douglas High School Class Of 1970 Evening Social
July 11th, 2015 6:30pm - 11:00pm
Redhook Brewery & Pub
14300 NE 145th St
, Woodinville
, Washington
, 98072
Invited Classes
About Event
No host bar (beer, wine and soft drinks), a nice selection of appetizers and lots of time for catching up!! Spouses, SO's and family members are welcome!!! Cost per person for food, rental, bartender, mandatory gratuity and taxes is expected to be $35, so spread the word to classmates!!
JDHS Class of 1970 45th Reunion
July 12th, 2015 11:00am - 4:00pm
Annual JD Picnic
Woodland Park
, Seattle
, Washington
Invited Classes
About Event
Please check w/ mzwelker@zoominternet.net for more info OR go to the Juneau Douglas High School Grads - 1970 on Facebook and join the group if you haven't already!