Indian Lake High School 2016 Ilhs Annual Alumni Banquet
June 11th, 2016 5:30pm
(ending June 12th, 2016)
Indian Lake High School
6210 SR 235 N
, Lewistown
, Ohio
, 43333
ticket prices
Reservations per person - $20.00
Invited Classes
All Classes
About Event
Invite a guest or a classmate to this annual affair. Dress is casual.
Ben Davis '82 said:
When is the 2019 banquet?
Report a ProblemLarry (Jock) Richardson '65 said:
Indian Lake Annual Alumni Banquet
Indian Lake High School
Saturday, June 11,2016
Social Hour 5:30 PM Dinner 6:30 PM
Class of 1966 (50 Years) will be honored
Also 40th (1976) and 25th (1991) along with classes every 5 years beginning with 1941
Reservations $20.00 per person
Payment must accompany reservations
No Exceptions and non-refundable
Must be received by May 30,2016 ~
Make Checks Payable to INDIAN LAKE ALUMNI
Mail check and reservation to:
Larry Mawhorr
1404 Shawnee Trace, Bellefontaine OH 43311
Phone 937-935-0580
Name:_______________________________Year Graduated:_______
if Alumni -Year Graduated: _________ Address:_____________________________
Email:_______________________________ Number of Reservations:___________ Amount Enclosed $__________
If possible, please forward this invitation to your classmates, as the Master List does not appear to be complete. We are making every effort to improve the list. Thank You!
Report a ProblemLarry (Jock) Richardson '65 said:
The Indian Lake High School Alumni Association is making plans for the annual
alumni banquet to be held June 11, 2016. Nearly 2000 invitations have been
sent but the committee is still seeking addresses for many ILHS graduates,
especially the Class of 1966 which will be honored for the 50 year anniversary.
The 40 and 25-year classes will also be recognized, as will the classes every
five years since 1941.
The event will begin with a social hour at 5:30 p.m., allowing time for a "mix and
mingle" before the dinner being served at 6:30 p.m. Reservations must be made
by May 30 and are $20 per attendee, non-negotiable and non-returnable. If you
did not receive an invitation, you can still reserve a place for attending and dining
by sending a check for $20 per person to: Larry Mawhorr, 1404 Shawnee Trace,
Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311. Any questions may be directed to Mawhorr by calling
937-935-0580. Checks MUST be made payable to Indian Lake Alumni.
'The:~vent is open to all graduates of the Indian Lake School System, including
those who attended Lakeview, Lewistown, and Huntsville schools previous to the
consolidation. As the Alumni Banquet Committee does not have an address for
everyone, please share this information with your former classmates, friends and
family. The 2016 Alumni Reunion is being held at the Indian Lake High School: 6210 SR 235 N, Lewistown, OH 43333.
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