Hillsdale High School Class Of 1984 35th Reunion
August 3rd, 2019 6:00pm
McCall's Reception Hall
123 Carleton Rd
, Hillsdale
, Michigan
, 49242
Invited Classes
About Event
Hope to see you there!
Greg Mclogan '84 said:
Our 35th Reunion was so much fun! Great memories shared, and lots of laughs with good friends. Looking forward to our 40th already. Special thanks to Cindi VanDeusen Myers, Todd Parker, Penny Wilson, and Tom & Sarah Underwood Flynn for their help in making it such a great success. #highschoolreunion #itsthepeople
Report a ProblemGreg Mclogan '84 said:
Our 35th Reunion is this Saturday! Here are more details:
We have the McCall's Center Reception Hall booked from 6:00 pm to 12:00am on August 3rd.
No cover charge! Donations will be accepted at the door to cover that and will go towards our 40th Reunion in 2024.
Dress code is casual. (Another group photo will be taken at 8:00 pm by Todd Lancaster).
Food: We will be serving appetizers then a Pulled Pork Dinner with Pasta Salad, a Veggie tray, Cupcakes, and more.
Drinks. Pop, Water, Keg of Beer, Red and White wine, Rum, Bourbon, and Vodka. (You're welcome to BYOB or bring a side dish etc... if you would like.)
Great tunes, 80's music videos and more.
Plan to come early and stay late.
Safe travels and we are looking forward to seeing everyone.
Your hosts,
Cindi VanDeusen Myers,
Penny Wilson
Todd Parker
Greg McLogan and
Tom and Sarah Underwood Flynn
Report a ProblemGreg Mclogan '84 said:
Can you help? Here's a list of the classmates who we still haven't found lately to let them know about our reunion.
If you have any updated contact information, please let me know, and of course, also share our 35th Reunion details with them:
John Glassburn, David Owen, Tim Sims, Joe Stevens, John Giffiths, Dan Bohner, Ed Sivaris, Rick Robinson, Toby Arnold, Betsy Heffernan. Kevin Brown, April Sussex, Shawn Evers, Mike Barry, Brian Bennett, Eric Carpenter, Wendy Danikow. Robin Harding, Ruthann Luke, Mary Clark, Michael Duty, Colin Frank, David Keller, Kimberly Lyons, Matt Myers, Darcey Moyer, Andreas Pohl, Joyce Ruggles, Patricia Smith, Mary Street, Danny Woodruff and Mildred Wright.
Report a ProblemGreg Mclogan '84 said:
Great news! Because of a generous donation to our class for this event, there won't be a cover charge, but we will be accepting donations at the door, (which will cover some drink and food costs, as well as go towards our 40th reunion in 2024.)
We hope this will help encourage you to be there!
Please share this event with any classmates that you are in touch with.
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