Class of 1969 - 45 yr Reunion
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Highland Park High School Class Of 1969 - 45 Yr Reunion


August 23rd, 2014 7:00pm


Patrick McGoverns
225 7th St W, , St. Paul , Minnesota , 55102

ticket prices

Send checks to: HPHS Class of 1969Patty Spahn - 1665 Wellesley Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 or Send us an email - we will email you invite - $25.00

Invited Classes


About Event

We are strictly using social media for this event (no snail mail or USPS).. Tell everyone you know about the reunion!
We hope to have a link to the document asap.
You can always contact us at the email address below - and we can email the invite to you!

Thanks so much!!!

Class of 1969 - 45 yr Reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Susan Gibbons '69 posted a photo:

Attn: CLASS OF 1969 3 more weeks - till reunion time --- get those reservations in asap!!!

Susan Gibbons '69 said:

Class of 1969
Registration for 45th Reunion
Saturday, August 23rd, 7:00
Patrick McGovern’s - 225 7th St W, St Paul, MN 55102
Hors d'oeuvres Buffet -
Please return before 8/15/2014 – See information below!
Full Name______________________________________________________________________________
Maiden Name ____________________________________________________________________
Other Email________________________________________________________________________________

Send completed form with payment to: Check payable to: Patty Spahn – HPHS Class of 1969
Patty Spahn - 1665 Wellesley Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105

Susan Gibbons '69 said:

WE have set up an email for everyone to send us the following:
City, State Zip
Email address

Please send this information to:

Thanks so much!!!

Reunion Apparel

The class of 1969 experienced history on a regular basis: The Summer of Love, the Tet Offensive, Nixon's rise to power, The Beatles' creative peak... very few spans of time can claim to have shaped American culture as much as the late 60's, and you & your Highland Park High School classmates experienced it together.

Now as you and your fellow Scots prepare to enjoy retirement it's the perfect time to reunite and share where life has brought you in the last five decades. Your reunion is scheduled and AlumniClass is your spot for arranging travel plans, ordering custom Scots merchandise to show off your school spirit, and connect with classmates ahead of time.