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Hempstead High School Class Of 1979 35 Year Reunion


August 8th, 2014 12:00pm
(ending August 10th, 2014 12:00am)


Undetermined - Please send suggestions.

Invited Classes


About Event

Friday Night 8/8/14 at Ron Brietbach's Derby Grange Sports Complex. Saturday night 8/9/14 at Diamond Jo Casino. Invitations should be going out next week. To make sure the commitee has your info send an email to HHSclof79@gmail.comFor more details We have set up an e-mail address
that people can ask questions, send information (in private), register etc.

Class of 1979 35 year reunion
Reunion Committee

Neal Kapp '79

Neal Kapp '79

Posted Details

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel