Gulf Coast High School Gchs & Bchs High School Benefit Ball
August 28th, 2010
Hilton Naples - - Previous reunion that was posted has been canceled this is now the offical 10 year reunion for the class of 2000.
Invited Classes
About Event
It has come that time to get an informal head count. I have met with the Hilton today and things are going great. I just need to know how many people we are looking at (200 or 300). So please email me or text me the following: Attending? Y or N Guests Attending: {Max of three} Physical Address: {For Tickets} In need of hotel room: Y or N We will be mailing you a letter with a questionnaire about you and what you have been up to since High School. We look forward to hearing from you and if you know of any classmates that do NOT have facebook but plan on attending, please forward this info to them. Ticket sales will commence in June and will end June 30th. Thank You, Maria Angela {Trupiano} If you send the information to the link below I will foward it maria since I don't know her email off the top of my head. You can find her on facebook if you have it.