Garrett High School G H S Class Of 1989 25th Class Reunion
Garrett American Legion
515 W. 15th Ave.
, Garrett
, Indiana
, 46738
ticket prices
Tickets In Advance for Couples - $40.00
Tickets in Advance for Couples - $20.00
At the Door for Couples - $50.00
At the Door for Singles - $30.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Our 25th Reunion originally scheduled for this coming Saturday, July 26th will be Post Pone!!
Due to lack of response and several fellow classmates being on family vacation at this time we have decided to Post Pone our 25th Reunion until this Fall with the intention of a better response. For those 8 classmates that have sent in their reservations I will be personally contacting each of you and refunding your registration fees!!! You will be refunded at this time!!!
If you have moved in the past 5 years and have not sent in your current mailing address please do so ASAP. We did have a few invites that were returned do to bad addresses! Please either e-mail me at: or give me a call 260-318-0404.
Once we have the revised event date we will be sending out information to all of you via: mail, e-mail, Face Book, etc... Right now we are leaning towards October, 2014.
Thank you
Joni (Christlieb) Blomeke
Joni Christlieb '89 said:
Class of 89' have you moved since our last reunion 5 years ago. If so please be kind enough to e-mail your current mailing address to: some of you have already replied to my earlier post. Hope to see all of you on the 26th of July. Check out the details on our reunion posted under the reunions. Thank you
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