Franklin High School Alumni

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Elizabeth Kopuz

Franklin High School
Class of 2003

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First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Kopuz
Graduation Year Class of 2003
Gender Female
Hometown Pembroke, New Hampshire
Relationship Status Married
About Me If you're going to assume I'm just like every other average girl, you're in for a big surprise.. I am a mother and a wife, and my daughter, Krishna, my husband Can, and our daughter Arienette are the most important people in my world. If you can't respect that, or handle it, then you don't belong in my life, and you should just get off my page now. On February twenty first, 2010, I started talking to the most amazing man I have ever known, and on August ninth, I did the one thing I promised myself I would never do: I went to meet him. This may not seem like a huge deal, but in order to meet him, I had to fly to Turkey. I had never been out of New England, and I got up and flew to a distant country, where I did not know anyone, and I did not know the language.. all to meet a guy from the internet. It was the best decision I ever made.On August 11, 2011 I married the man of my dreams. Now we are trying to get him a visa and green card so that he can come to NH to be with me, but it is not an easy process. I just hope that it goes smoothly. I love him with all my heart, and truly hope to spend the rest of my life with him. I love you, Can Kopuz. My eyes change color with my moods, a lot of the time, that is the only clue you will get to how I feel. I don't like myself. At all. In fact, the only thing I like about my physical self is my eyes. I am a natural blond, but I hate the dumb blond stereotype, so I frequently dye it, only to decide I miss the blond and put it back. I ramble quite a lot. I love music. Without it, I don't know where I'd be. I love to talk, so don't be a stranger. I am very friendly, and everyone seems to come to me for advice. I get bored VERY easily, and small things amuse me.. I get distracted by shiny objects, and I yell at inanimate objects. I am told that I am way too nice, and that I am too much of a "good girl" I don't smoke, I have never done drugs, I consume maybe one alcoholic beverage per year. I really don't care what people think of me, but I used to, and because of that, I have been wounded by words, and still am unable to believe any good about me. You can compliment me all you want, but unless I believe it, it won't make much difference. I suppose the first step is admitting I have a problem, so, "Hi,I'm Liz, and I hate myself". I am very sarcastic, and I have a morbid, and very sick sense of humor. Serial killers intrigue me. I love vampires. I know how I want to die, and what I want done with my body afterward. I have an opinion about everything, if you don't want to hear my opinion, don't bring up the subject. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. I am particularly blunt, and honest. Don't try to stereotype me, you'll find I don't fit any stereotype. I can see the good in anyone, except myself. If you'd like a clear picture of who I am, or what I'm like, ask my friends, I'm not particularly nice to myself. I care perhaps too much about everyone. I'll do anything to help people. Even if it hurts me in the process. ...(read more)
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