Forbes Road High School Alumni

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Justina King

Forbes Road High School
Class of 1998

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Justina King - Class of 1998 - Forbes Road High School
First Name Justina
Last Name King
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
Current Location Hustontown, Pennsylvania
Hometown Hustontown, Pennsylvania
About Me You may read my momentary, sometimes off the wall feelings, random quotes and conflicting thoughts that I write on facebook about everyday life, does NOT necessarily mean that you know me, my relationships, or anything about me ..on the other hand, I don't pretend to be someone I'm not... never assume.... if you truly want to know something, simply ask. Anyone that "knows" me will have already known that. Feisty, stubborn, sarcastic, entirely a pro/con list person which also means an overthinker, sometimes too honest but only when asked so dont ask a question you arent ready or willing to hear an honest answer to. Passionate, as much about the good as the bad....compassionate yet often taken as naive or a walkover. Not the case at all. I am basically an old fashioned, one of a kind beautiful mess that prob shoulda been born in the 60s but unfortunately i wasnt which explains why Im typing this "about me" on a social network on a phone that does more than a computer and this is considered the new meaning of "social life". Id prefer to be in another era but oh well.... Hmmm, are these my good points or bad? The above sentence is subject to change without notice depending upon the situation but I'm still gonna be me and theres probably nothing about me thats original... I am the combined effort of everyone I've known...MOST importantly, my children! When they say their's one in every crowd, good or bad....I'm proudly honored to say chances are... I'm that one because I choose to be who I want, not what society expects of or wants in order to fit in. I have made a lot of mistakes in life but being a mom and watching, teaching, guiding, loving, growing with and learning from my gifts from God, my kiddos, has proven that no matter what may have, is, or will happen in life, I am a fortunate woman. In down times of life when I feel like I have nothing, I still know by the love and life my children and I share... I truly have everything The greatest thing I've learned over the years is that there's no way to be a perfect mama, but a million ways to be a great one. Being the protective, mean, even hated at times mom allows me to be a good parent. In spite of all the toys I’m picking up or all the boogers I’m wiping away or the fights I’m breaking up, and the selfless challenges that require a patience and understanding I learned and continue to do so; I have a chance as well as a challenge to share God's greatest gifts to me with nothing but unconditional love. I use facebook to socialize, for me time particularly when I have bragging rights, for catching up with old friends just as well as making new, to make a point to know whats going on with my teens, this includes their friends as well, sometimes just to vent with my utterly sarcastic wit and other times to share a laugh which is usually the times I myself need one. And let me not forget the compliment to me when the two-faced gossip go-getter nonfriends that still wanna request me as a friend in order to attempt to dig dirt, talk shit and/or stalk my profile in hopes of ignoring their own (obviously pathetic) life if you are busy wasting your time researching mine (which if you are one of are welcome, glad to be of help because I love control and always eager to hear a good story about me i may have forgotten about....(read more)
Justina King - Class of 1998 - Forbes Road High School

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