Falmouth High School Fhs77's 35th Class Reunion
August 4th, 2012
Thomas Point Beach - Brunswick, Maine
About Event
Hey Heidi, it's hard to believe, but there is just over a month left before our 35th reunion takes place in August! Reunion Plans as of 6/19/12: When: August 3,4 & 5, 2012 (it's official) Time: Friday afternoon thru Sunday Where: ThomasPoint Beach(Brunswick) Cost: $10.00 per per adult and $5.00 for children 20 & under. Please send checks (along with your mailing address) made out to Clif Staples to P.O. Box 86 Mount Desert, Maine 04660. You will be sent tickets to be surrendered at the gate for entry to the event after we receive payment. PLEASE REPLY BEFORE JULY 15th if at all possible !! "Late Comers" (those without advanced tickets) to the event will need to pay a day-use fee at the gate as well as the event fee. Details: As of this date (6/19/12), we are planning to gather on the 1st weekend of August, 2012 (the 3rd, 4th, & 5th). Campsites will be available for Friday & Saturday night. PLEASE NOTE that there is an additional charge for camping. Contact ThomasPoint Beach( http://www.thomaspointbeach.com/outings.shtml ) to reserve your site. BE SURE TO MENTION THAT YOU ARE WITH THE FHS "77 REUNION so that we can all be camping together at our group site. Make your arrangements ASAP ! For those who would rather not camp - check out the Motel 6 at Cook's Corner. Again, be sure to mention that you are with FHS '77. Discounted taxi service will also be available. This will again be a BYOB event, but we will provide ice, grills & charcoal and some food, paper plates (etc) and condiments. Bring your own food to cook on the grills ! We are hoping to have live entertainment for this one, too !! If you play an instrument and want to "jam" - bring it along !! We are opening this event up to other friends and alumni of FHS77 for this one, so spread the word and put them in touch with us through Facebook or send us an email ! PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO fhsclassof77@hotmail.comasap so that we can get an accurate "head count" for the event planning. Call 207-479-5438 if you have any additional questions ! Cheers Clif FHS '77