Estes Park High School 1960's Ten Class Reunion Celebration
August 22nd, 2014
(ending August 23rd, 2014)
American Legion Post 119
About Event
!!!!!! SAVE THE DATE !!!!!!!!
Fri.-Aug. 22 & Sat.-Aug. 23, 2014, for the Estes Park High School
"1960's" TEN-class reunion/celebration in Estes Park, CO.
• The Estes Park American Legion is reserved for this reunion. Between the ballroom, bar, and outside.......this facility can hold about 200 people.
• Friday-Aug. 22 will be an informal social get together at the Legion. The Legion will offer their traditional Friday night chicken dinner to both "1960's" reunion folks and the public. Saturday-Aug. 23 we've exclusively reserved the entire Legion for a sit down dinner and the Legion's bar will be open until "all of the stories are told".
• Get your lodging reservations now. Estes Park lodging fills up quickly every summer. Besides...most places merely take your credit card information to reserve your room, then wait until you check-in before they run your card.
• Thank you to those "key persons" from each class, who have provided their current classmate's contact information. The next reunion email notification will be a general request for help in locating those remaining individuals for which we don't have accurate contact information.
• This email is only going out to about 50% of our classmates and 10% of our teachers. Please forward this email to your friends/siblings/ classmates/teachers, so that everyone knows about and has the opportunity to attend this upcoming reunion/celebration. Have them contact me (, if they want to be added to the master email contact list for upcoming notifications about this reunion/celebration.
• Search from face book page for " Estes Park High School 1960's Multi-class Reunion." You can post to this page like any other FB page.
• We need volunteers to help decorate the hall for Saturday night's reunion dinner.
• By July we will have determined the cost (it should be reasonable). We will accept money sent up to August 8th for the Saturday night reunion/celebration.
• We need a person(s) to take bibliography information.
If you have any questions or want to help........please contact Mike (303-526-1445) or (<>).
We look forward to a happy reunion as we celebrate DAYS GONE BY!
Kindest regards,
Mike Kleineider
"Class of 65"
ps: As the years pass, I am very aware that the bird of time is on the wing. It was only yesterday that I was really enjoying Estes Park High School. What has happened to the five decades in between? Where have they flown?
At the Estes Park "1960's" high school reunion, I will see other old people who "claim" to be my former classmates. We will all have big name tags printed in capital letters, so we don't have to squint with our reading glasses on trying to associate the name with each well-traveled face.
Malcolm Forbes believed the important thing, is never to say die until you're dead. He lived life to the hilt. Life is, as we realize when we attend this "Estes Park '60's High School reunion", a short journey. Remember it is difficult to be depressed and active at the same time. So get active...........attend this reunion/celebration and make August 22 and 23 really enjoyable days! Thank you.